Articles of Faith: Vital Female Leadership Roles

Ladies in Leadership

Recently, through my facebook fan page, I asked for suggested topics to post on my ministry blog. A thoughtful lady proposed that we address the role of women in the ministry, and at home, and how they fit within a leadership role.

I know that, in the day in which we live, this is a hot topic among many congregations as well as in the culture that envelopes us. In later posts I will discuss some of the more sensitive issues, but in our flagship post on this powder keg subject, I want to start with a forgotten role that women play in the church. This role, of course, is that of the older women instructing the younger women.

Consider this passage from the Bible:

Titus 2:3-5

“The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things; That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.”  (KJV)

When one considers the text of instruction above, it is obvious, for the most part, that this is not going on today in many of our local churches or in other places in society as a funtion of women in leadership roles. It is entirely possible that our older, sainted women do not have the opportunity, or do not feel as though they have the liberty from leadership, to mentor new converts and younger ladies.

Sometimes there is a strong, mothering, instinctive desire to help, but their efforts fall on deaf ears.

The Apostle Paul instructed Titus to exhort the aged, or older women in the congregation to behave a certain way. Not only should they conduct themselves in a godly manner, leading by example, but they were to teach the younger ones how to do the same. This is a mandate from God.

Women play a vital role helping the next generation of young Christian ladies to be godly.

Pastoral leadership must provide the proper atmosphere for this to continue. There are numerous venues for this to take place. Sunday School and ladies meetings are great. However, it is often better when this takes place ONE ON ONE. Good and godly women can say what the preacher wants to say, but can’t.

There are some topics best discussed privately between older and younger women.

When considering the role of women in the workforce, you must understand that they CAN do a great job in many roles. In fact, they are much better than their male counterparts in many ways.

Basically, it is a matter of whether or not people are willing to follow their direction. Many men and women have old-fashioned and outdated ideas of what a women in power can accomplish.

No doubt, there are some areas that men should take the lead in, but one should not be overly discriminatory and discount the role women can play in the workforce. For the most part, management assesses the leadership ability of someone in more ways than just their gender. At least, one would hope they do!

In conclusion, if some dear aged saint wants to be a blessing to their church or their workplace, then I urge them to contribute by first being the example as described in our text, and then to seek out younger ladies, individually, and instruct them! Some young Christian ladies have not been taught how to dress properly, nor have many been exposed to proper etiquette.

This takes time to overcome, and done so with tender care. If the ladies of tomorrow are to have any virtuous women among their ranks, then our older ladies need to turn it up a notch or two today.

Pastor Andrew Schank is Church Planter with Macedonia World Baptist Missions, Inc.
He has a servant’s heart for missions and church planting
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On a personal note:

If you have any questions about how to go to Heaven when you die, then please CLICK HERE and view our video and information on this all-important question of life!

Or, if you have any prayer requests and want me to help you pray about them, then go to our prayer center and follow the instructions! WE ARE IN THIS THING TOGETHER!

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