Hey Leader: What’s Your Resolution?


It is time to welcome yet another year into our lives. We all invariably spend the month of December reflecting on the events of the current year and have hopes for the upcoming year.

It is time to reflect on and celebrate your achievements for the past year and realize how far you have come.

Gaining Perspective

It is also time to leave behind what didn’t work and start afresh. The experience of each year instills more wisdom into our minds and that is definitely something to celebrate.

Each year comes with its own set of surprises, joys and sorrows and we welcome them with open arms. I remember a while back I had a hard time accepting events as they were.

With passing time, I have learned to be more tolerant of unexpected events.

I realized that if you fight them, it’s going to be harder so why not just go with the flow. Letting go and living each moment certainly brings more ease into your lives.

Leading Yourself

As leaders, I believe it is worth our time to sit down and reflect over our lives and genuinely think of a resolution for the upcoming year.

And I don’t mean a resolution that you think of in a second and forget the next.

Think of something that you would like to work on and how would you go about pursuing it. Hold yourself accountable for it and be proactive in your approach. Such that, at the end of next year, you could reflect on how well you did.

A resolution may or may not be personal; it could be for the betterment of society, friends or family. In the end, working on your resolution should make you happy.

Tiers of Leadership

If we take a look at different tiers of leadership, at the bottom tier is personal leadership. It is when you are disciplined in your approach towards life, you achieve what you set out to do and you can be an example for others to follow.

From there on, leaders transform to become visionaries or strategist and continue to hone in on their skills. Some leaders are marvelous influencers.

To me, the highest form of leadership is when you can develop others into better leaders.

It is then that you give back by making others realize their full potential. Those who have helped others become better leaders get a divine satisfaction. It is not something that can be expressed in words; it is something to be experienced.

It really depends on which phase of life you are at and which paths have you carved out for yourself. However, I would certainly urge everyone to take some time to think of a New Year resolution and follow through on it.


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Aditi Chopra
Aditi Chopra is an experienced leader in the software industry
She is a consultant, writer and a leader
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Image Sources: ultimate-wallpaper.com

2 responses to “Hey Leader: What’s Your Resolution?

  1. I find that if I take the time for the following exercise: write down my intentions for the upcoming year-detailed, specific and goal oriented, that my likelihood of success is so much greater than if I don’t take the time to do this. It’s as if I have declared my intentions to the world and draw energy to complete them. I also share them with others. My finest success year was when I went on a retreat with a friend and we spent a day working on our intentions and sharing them with each other. Every single intention was met with success (and they were audacious goals). It was a fantastic year for me both personally and professionally. I am planning to do this again this weekend.

    I wish everyone in this leadership group a happy and healthy and successful New Year!


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